Malagasy instruments transport you to the heart of the island’s sounds.

In Madagascar, music is a blend of tradition and melody. Each people expresses its identity through unique musical instruments. From the valiha to the kabosy, as well as other instruments, you'll discover an enriching musical experience during your visit. These instruments have cultural significance and have been passed down from generation to generation. You can distinguish them by type: percussion, string or wind instruments.

Madagascar’s hidden luxury hotels.

Madagascar's reputation also lies in its luxury hotels. Travelers eager for exclusivity and refinement are well catered for. Their exceptional location, elegant architecture and environmental preservation spoil travelers in the land of luxury and fascination. Find these luxury hotels all over Madagascar, from beaches to nature reserves to towns.

Would you like more adventure in Madagascar? Try these charming hotels.

Set off on an adventure with charming hotels during your stay in Madagascar. These charming cottages create an intimate and friendly atmosphere for their guests. Find the enchantment of modern comfort and traditional architecture in harmony. Wherever you are, on the beach, in the forest, in national parks or in town, you'll find a charming hotel. Recognize the hospitality of the Malagasy people, who make you feel right at home.

Madagascar’s extraordinary restaurants.

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Bewitching, Madagascar's restaurants at sight provide a breathtaking postcard. Wherever you are in the country, these guesthouses welcome you with open arms. Choose from a variety of locations to satisfy your hunger for adventure and dreams. First, explore the restaurants on view in the capital and in the mountainous region. Vibrate with those in the nature reserves. Magnificent are the taverns on the coasts with superb panoramas. Expect other exceptional sites that will give you ecstasy in unexpected places while you enjoy your meals.