8 most beautiful safaris in Africa before heading to Madagascar

Struggling to find inspiration for your next trip? Don’t worry, Vivy Travel has got you covered with some of the best safari destinations in Africa, perfect as a prelude to the unique wonders of Madagascar. Africa unfolds its natural treasures across numerous national parks and reserves, each meticulously designed for those eager to connect with nature, with each location narrating its unique wildlife story. In this article, we take you on a journey through the continent’s most extraordinary safari spots, each promising a distinct and unforgettable adventure.

Kruger National Park, South Africa

The Kruger National Park is a showcase of biodiversity, extending over thousands of square kilometres of African bush. Encounters with a variety of wildlife are guaranteed: majestic elephants, elegant felines and a myriad of brightly coloured birds. Visitors can choose between guided excursions or venture off on their own along the park’s many trails.

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Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

This park is renowned for the thousands of pink flamingos that grace the alkaline waters of Lake Nakuru. It is also a haven for many species, including rhinoceros, providing a great place for game viewing.

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Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

The Ngorongoro Crater, an extinct caldera, is home to an astonishing density of wildlife in a spectacular setting. This natural enclave is the theatre of daily wild scenes, with the presence of big cats almost guaranteed.

Photo de Lan Yao: https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/photo/safari-dans-le-ngorongoro-20847561/

Khwai Reserve, Botswana

Adjacent to the famous Okavango Delta, the Khwai Reserve is renowned for its predator sightings. The local community manages this area, combining nature conservation and sustainable development.

Image par Michael Siebert de Pixabay

Etosha National Park, Namibia

Etosha Park is characterised by its large salt pan, around which wildlife comes to drink. The sight of wild animals moving against this white background is unforgettable, particularly during the dry season.

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Bwindi National Park, Uganda

Bwindi is a sanctuary for mountain gorillas, offering close encounters with these primates on guided walks. The dense forest is also home to a rich biodiversity, testifying to Uganda’s exceptional ecological diversity.

Image par Gabriel Gach de Pixabay

Okavango Delta, Botswana

This inland delta is an oasis of life in the heart of the Kalahari. Mokoro safaris allow you to glide silently through the canals, watching the wildlife come to drink at the water’s edge.

Image par Herbert Bieser de Pixabay

Tarangire National Park, Tanzania

Less well known but just as fascinating, Tarangire Park is famous for its herds of elephants and landscapes dotted with baobab trees. The Tarangire River attracts an abundance of wildlife, particularly during the dry months.

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Each African destination reveals a new page in the great book of nature, promising journeys full of thrills and wonders to discover.

If you’re a photographer in search of the perfect shot, a nature lover in search of peaceful moments or an adventurer thirsting for discovery, an African safari is an unforgettable experience that leaves its mark on the mind and heart. What’s more, these mythical places serve as an exceptional foretaste before flying off to Madagascar, where the endemic species plunge you into an entirely different universe, in stark contrast to the African landscapes.

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