Key words and phrases to use in Madagascar
Traveling through the various cities of Madagascar as English-speaking tourists can sometimes be challenging, as the majority of Malagasy people do not speak English. Although some locals understand a bit of French, their knowledge is often limited to just a few words. For this reason, we have prepared a selection of phrases to use in Madagascar to facilitate your interactions with the local population. These expressions form a basic understanding of how to communicate in Madagascar. However, it is important to note that due to the ethnic diversity of the island, the way of speaking, the accent, and the meaning of words can vary from city to city.

Greetings and Common Phrases
- Hello/Good evening : Salama, Manahoana, Mbola Tsara (often used in the north),…
- How are you? : Manao ahoana ianao, Akôry agny (often used in the north), Inona ny vaovao (can also mean “what’s good?”)?
- Very well, thank you, and you? : Tsara fa misaotra, ary ianao?
- Do you speak English? : Miteny anglisy ve ianao?
- I understand/I don’t understand : Haiko / Tsy haiko, Azoko / Tsy Azoko, Mazava / Tsy Mazava (Depending on the context)
- Sorry : Azafady, Miala Tsiny
- Goodbye : Veloma, Mandrapihaona
- Welcome : Tonga soa, Karibo (often used in the north),…
- Thank you (very much) : Misaotra (betsaka)
- Excuse me/please : Azafady
- I am English : Anglisy aho
- My name is… : your name + no anarako
- No thank you : Tsia fa misaotra
- Yes/No : Ia / Ah-ah
- You’re welcome / My pleasure : Tsy misy fisaorana
Commerce and Shopping
- How much is it? : Ohatrinona ity?
- It’s very cheap : Tsy lafo, Mora be,
- It’s too expensive! : Lafo kosa izany ka, Tena lafo be!
- Can you lower the price? : Azonao hampidina ny vidiny?
- I would like to buy… this one, this! : Ity no tiako hovidiana + the item
- I love/I hate : Tiako / Tsy tiako
- Money : Vôla, Vola, La Money, …
- I’m just looking : Mijery fotsiny aho aloha
- I would like to go… : Te ho any + Place + aho
- Airplane : Fiara-manidina
- Boat : Sambo
- Train : Lamasinina
- Taxi : Taksy
- Bus : Bisy
- I would like to rent… : Te hanofa + Vehicle + aho
- Motorbike : Moto
- Car : Fiara
- Bicycle : Bisikileta
Directions and Locations
- Where is…? / How to go to…? : Aiza ny…? / Ny fomba handehanana…?
- Bank : Banky
- Station : Gara
- Downtown : Afovoan-tanànan’i
- Hotel : Hôtely
- Hospital : Hôpitaly
- Is it near/far? : Akaiky / lavitra ve ilay toerana?
- Straight ahead : Mahitsy
- Left/Right : Ankavia/Ankavanana
- North/South/East/West : Avaratra/Atsimo/Atsinanana/Andrefana
Food and Restaurants
- I’m hungry/I’m thirsty : Noana aho / Mangetaheta aho
- Enjoy your meal : Mazotoa homana
- It was delicious! : Tena tsara ny sakafo!
- I’m vegetarian : Tsy mihinana hena aho
- Without spice! (I don’t like spices) : Tsy misy sakay azafady!
- It’s too hot! : Mafana loatra izy izany
- I’m allergic : Tsy zakako ity sakafo ity
- The bill, please : Ny kaonty azafady or simply addition tompoko,
Health and Emergencies
- I need to see a doctor : Tokony hanatona dokotera aho
- Call a doctor/ambulance : Mba miantsoa dokotera / ambulance azafady
- Where is the hospital? : Aiza ho aiza ety kay ny hôpitaly azafady?
- I’m in pain here : Marary … aho
- Where are the toilets? : Aiza kay ny WC azafady?
- Help! : Vonjeo!
- Police : Polisy
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