Why book with us

So many reasons that may help you make your choice.

If you’re considering finding a standout Tour Operator in Madagascar, you’re in the right place. We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we believe our attention to detail makes all the difference. So, why choose us for your next getaway? Let us give you a few reasons that we hope will convince you to travel with us!

Adaptation to each individual's needs:

We understand that the travel sector is booming and that planning a trip to Madagascar can be extremely challenging and costly. That’s why Vivy Travel remains flexible in handling all its clients’ requests, striving to offer them, as much as possible, a tailored offer that meets their needs point by point. Our itineraries and quotation proposals are mainly suggested for private groups, families, duo, or solo trips. They are adjustable until you are completely satisfied.

We are a tour operator/DMC based directly in Madagascar:

Vivy Travel is a tour operator/DMC that has been present in Madagascar for years, adopting a fair local development policy. Our goal is to promote access to employment through tourism. Thus, our team is generally composed of young Malagasy people from different regions of Madagascar, who know the current state of the country perfectly. This allows us to stay up-to-date on the real functioning of the big island and to remain flexible in proposing various options and solutions for organizing your trip.

Best price guarantee:

By being directly present on the ground, we are in direct contact with lodges,hotels , national parks  and service providers in Madagascar. We maintain friendly and professional relationships with our suppliers, allowing us to obtain competitive rates. We guarantee prices lower than those offered by some travel agencies or direct booking

Multiple service options offered:

We don’t just limit ourselves to organizing packages including transportation, accommodation, meals, and activities. We are open to offering all kinds of services that promote freedom in your journey. We can provide you with rental services with or without a driver, with proposed itineraries that leave you free to choose your hotels and activities during your trip. Or, we can simply book your hotel and leave the rest to you.

Assistance before, during, and after your trip:

Your travel concierge is fully available to you from the beginning of organizing your trip until your return home. We remain by your side 24/7 to advise you on the best tips, assist you in administrative procedures, book your restaurants, or provide any other service that we can offer you to the best of our ability.

Refundable deposit under certain conditions:

We offer all our clients improved refund conditions on the amount of their deposit. In case you are unable to make your trip due to unforeseen circumstances beyond your control, you may be eligible for a full refund. Please consult us for more information.