The latest news: Madagascar's Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts is planning to set up a 'Handicrafts Route' along the busy Route Nationale 1, which runs from Antananarivo to Tsiroanomandidy, via Arivonimamo and Miarinarivo, all the way to Ampefy. The aim of this initiative is to promote the exceptional work of local craftsmen on this road, which is very popular with both national and international tourists.

Antananarivo, 27 January 2024- Qatar Airways is set to increase its flights to Madagascar, boosting air connectivity and tourism. Under a new agreement, the airline will operate seven weekly flights to the island nation, with the aim of attracting a significant number of tourists and business travellers.

Art is a powerful means of personal expression and a reflection of the artist's identity, a concept magnificently illustrated by Madame Zo's exhibition "Bientôt je vous tisse tous" at Fondation H. This exhibition celebrates the work of Zoarinivo Razakaratrimo, known as Madame Zo, an icon of the Malagasy art scene. Her art, centered on the ancestral Malagasy tradition of weaving, offers a window onto the artist's soul and her vision of the world.

Great news for travelers looking to explore the beautiful island of Madagascar in 2024! The Embassy of Madagascar in France has just announced a reduction in the entry visa fees, offering an economic opportunity for foreign travelers.