Category Malagasy Travel Guide

If you need help to prepare your trip to Madagascar, we gather here, all the tips and advice to help you in preparing your trip to Madagascar.

Where does the name Miandrivazo come from?

The town of Miandrivazo in Madagascar is reputed to be the hottest on the island, owing its heat to its recessed geographical position, which is not very windy. A district capital in the Menabe region, it lies 738 km from Toliara, on the banks of the Mahajilo River, a tributary of the Tsiribihina. The town is surrounded by the Bemaraha and Bongolava mountain ranges, and has an average temperature of 28°C.

Madagascar’s Most Popular Tourist Destinations

For longer stays, many cities in Madagascar are popular with tourists. Often located on the coast, these destinations enjoy pleasant temperatures year-round, making them ideal places to visit! These towns, particularly in the northern part of the island, offer everything you could wish for in a perfect stay: an ideal climate, a welcoming population, delicious cuisine, and affordable accommodation. It's no wonder they are so popular with travelers

Our little pleasures around Ambatolampy

Ambatolampy, a charming town in the Merina region nestled on the RN7, is the perfect stop-off point for an authentic getaway in Madagascar's Highlands. It's the ideal place to learn more about Merina culture through its foundries, artisan markets, handmade horn and aluminum sculptures, lively local atmosphere, and delicious Malagasy meals like vary amin'ny anana. There's plenty to see and do!

Morty, the Madagascar Movie’s Other Star!

Have you noticed that the story of Madagascar wouldn't be complete without Morty?

Indeed, what's the point of talking about King Julian without his all-too-clingy partner at his feet?

Although he started out as a secondary character in the saga, Mort became a fixture in the sequels and spin-off series. But did you know that his real-life alter ego is just as cute, with big, round eyes?