Have you ever heard of the Vazimba ? According to Malagasy oral tradition, they are said to be the first inhabitants of Madagascar’s center, shrouded in mystery and legend. But who were they really real beings or entities from another dimension ?
Ancient beliefs, still alive in Madagascar today, describe the Vazimba as wandering the forests of the central highlands, in areas now associated with the Betsileo, Merina, Bezanozano, Sihanaka, and Tsimihety peoples. These beings evoked both fear and reverence, and their presence was linked to natural elements said to haunt springs, rivers, rocks, or valleys. Over time, popular imagination transformed them into mythical creatures, both terrifying and intriguing.
They were often portrayed as small beings with copper-colored skin, flat skulls, elongated faces, wide, drooping lips, and disproportionately long teeth. Their appearance, accentuated by a flat forehead, was described as repulsive, evoking visceral fear. They were also depicted as primitive, unable to work metal, they supposedly fashioned weapons from clay and reeds. Ignorant of the edibility of zebu meat, they allowed their cattle to roam unchecked, further cementing their reputation as disorganized and unsettling.
But how much truth lies behind these ancient tales ? Are they echoes of a forgotten reality or merely the product of collective imagination ? Delve into the legends of the Vazimba and discover how history, culture, and myth intertwine in the heart of Madagascar. Are you ready to uncover the mysteries of these enigmatic ancestors ?