Madagascar without lemurs? It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it? These iconic creatures bring life and magic to our rainforests and are a defining symbol of the Great Island. Unfortunately, every day, unique and irreplaceable species are at risk of extinction due to deforestation and poaching. But don’t worry, there’s a way to take action and make a difference in preserving these natural treasures! Let’s explore and get involved with GERP:
The Group for the Study and Research on Primates of Madagascar (GERP), founded on April 5, 1994, by ten passionate primatologists, embodies the mission of preserving lemurs for future generations with the slogan: “Sharing my knowledge and skills to preserve biodiversity for future generations.” GERP’s logo features a Babakoto (Indri indri), the largest living lemur in Madagascar, holding the green Great Island in its hands, symbolizing its fragility and its conservation status as “Endangered.”
Today, GERP has 179 members, including scientists and primate enthusiasts from around the world, and works to deepen the understanding of lemurs whether fossil, subfossil, or living. They operate in natural sites, laboratories, and even zoos to better understand and protect these endemic primates of the Great Island. Their mission also includes improving the environment of human populations living around protected areas.
By supporting GERP, you’re not only aiding in the conservation of lemurs but also contributing to a mission that benefits Madagascar’s entire ecosystem. GERP is committed not only to research and conservation of lemurs but also to environmental education for schoolchildren and local communities. It promotes excellence and pragmatic thinking among future primatologists and aims to update databases on Madagascar’s primates while adhering to updated legal frameworks.
Don’t just be a spectator! Join GERP in their mission to conserve lemurs. You can contribute in various ways: by donating, participating in on-site conservation projects, or simply spreading the word about their cause. Every action counts. Together, we can secure a future for lemurs and Madagascar’s ecological wealth. Visit GERP’s site with us to find out how you can get involved today!