On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, the Rainilaiarivony Museum was inaugurated in Amboditsiry, in the presence of the President of the Republic. On the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Sites, this event also coincided with the 195th anniversary of the birth of the last Prime Minister of the Malagasy royal era.

What you need to know when travelling to Madagascar

The history of Andrianampoinimerina is of interest to a wide audience, namely history and culture lovers, tourists, students and researchers. The knowledge of the history of Madagascar and Andrianampoinimerina is of great importance. This is to know the root of the nation, the historical importance of his reign, and to learn from his achievements.

The skin color of the Malagasy reflects ethnic diversity, environment and genetic factors. See them through this article. To discern Madagascar, expect these few types of physical morphology that is the color you can meet. Can we confirm that a Malagasy is a man of color in relation to the sustained difference in skin color?

Being historians, geologists, simple curious, tourists, observers, you ask "why Madagascar is called "the red island"? In short, this name comes from several elements. Its geological, cultural, ecological and historical identity constitute the elements of the puzzle. Several theories and hypotheses concur to this curiosity. It seems to contribute everything to give the surname of red island to Madagascar.

Madagascar, a renowned diving destination, appears to be the first choice. Because of its rich underwater biodiversity, join these places allowing you to satisfy your passion in diving. For unique experiences and discoveries, the coasts of Madagascar invite you to make a succession of new dreams. Underwater locations, rich in endemic fauna, are spread out to satisfy your passions and curiosities.

Antananarivo and its surroundings, vibrant and animated cities, are full of sites to discover. To get souvenir products, the markets with tourist attractions take place for your satisfaction.