Lémurs' Park, located 20 kilometers southwest of Antananarivo, is emerging as a sanctuary dedicated to the preservation of lemurs. Visitors can immerse in the diversity of Madagascar's lemurs. Lémurs' Park also contributes to conservation, rehabilitation and awareness-raising. Let's discover together the wonders of this park, where preserving wildlife and understanding its ecosystem are at the heart of the adventure.
Located 80 km from the town of Mahajanga, the anjohibe caves can be reached via a track crossing savannah and cashew plantations. Take the RN4 towards Ambalakida. This renowned speleological site also offers other tourist attractions. It's well worth staying at least one night (campsites on site). A well-organized tour from the site also takes you through the majestic Mahajamba Bay. The latter, directly after the caves, is well worth a visit for its unrivalled tourist attractions.
The quest for Madagascar's giant baobabs invites you on an adventure to uncover these emblematic trees of the island. Their unique growth defies the norm. They are a source of admiration for travelers, botanists and nature lovers alike. Following the trail of these trees, you'll explore the different species of baobab found in Madagascar. You'll be captivated by the legends and myths surrounding them. This journey takes you to little-explored regions of Madagascar. They provide photographers with settings to immortalize these unique natural tableaux.
A road trip along Madagascar's Route Nationale 7 (RN7) is a unique experience. Each relay leads to treasures. Spectacular landscapes, picturesque villages, access to national parks and encounters with local cultures are all on display. At every turn of this adventure, a new facet of this paradise unfolds. The heart of Madagascar is revealed.
Defined as a tropical African tree with a huge trunk, the baobab is an emblematic Madagascan tree. There are eight species of baobab in Africa, six of which are endemic to Madagascar. A majestic and sacred tree, it is also surrounded by many myths due to its very specific appearance. It is profitable, beneficial and attracts the curiosity of many tourists. It is found mainly in the south-west of Madagascar, but also in other regions of the island.
Madagascar's rich and complex history deserves to be better known. Yet this island has its rulers, sumptuous palaces, hidden treasures and ancient civilisations that have left their mark in archaeological remains. Researchers have undertaken expeditions to unravel the mysteries of Madagascar, revealing buried treasures and forgotten histories. Recent discoveries are still being made.
Whales are large marine mammals classified as cetaceans. Madagascar is home to two types of whale, the humpback whale and the whale shark, which put on a majestic show for a long time every year. For fans of the sea and marine animals, but also for people who like to explore new sensations, the coasts of Madagascar are ideal for observing marine animals, especially whales, for an entire season. They migrate by the hundreds during the southern winter months off the Malagasy coast, and when they arrive in the south of Madagascar, they divide up and some head for the island of Sainte-Marie to stay on in the bay of Antongile.
Being historians, geologists, simple curious, tourists, observers, you ask "why Madagascar is called "the red island"? In short, this name comes from several elements. Its geological, cultural, ecological and historical identity constitute the elements of the puzzle. Several theories and hypotheses concur to this curiosity. It seems to contribute everything to give the surname of red island to Madagascar.
Sainte-Marie, also known as Nosy Boraha, is a small tropical island located off the east coast of Madagascar. This vacation destination offers an idyllic landscape of small fishing villages and pristine beaches. It is a popular destination for its authenticity and preservation, offering visitors a real change of scenery. The island is accessible by plane or by boat from the coastal town of Toamasina.
In this article, we will present you the activities not to be missed during a family trip to Sainte-Marie, as well as the recommended accommodations for your stay.
Explore the cultural richness and exceptional biodiversity of Madagascar through its UNESCO World Heritage sites, natural and cultural jewels to discover in the Big Island.